All the real estate marketing effort you do through networking, as well as free and low-cost marketing, leads you to the next step in your business — generating leads.
Without clients, your company will cease to exist.
Calling people to generate leads is one of people’s biggest hang-ups.
The question remains — how far you are willing to go to take your business and career to another level?
On today’s episode, Ryan joins me to share how to alleviate the pressure of getting leads.
We talk about the common fears people have when talking to potential clients on the phone, why it’s okay to make mistakes, and a couple of key data points to remember when generating leads on the phone.
“It’s about the relationship, not the numbers.” – Ryan Scialabba
This Week on FlipTalk’s Rookie Play Book:
- What to do if you made mistakes
- The most important thing you need to be concerned about
- How to answer the phone
- Why it’s essential to know why the seller is selling
- The benefits of keeping your mouth shut
- Bullet points versus scripts
- Close questions versus open questions
Key Takeaways:
- Be as genuine as possible.
- Build a relationship first. Get the information second. And leave that door open to continue the conversation.
- Allow yourself to screw up the first few calls.
Resources Mentioned:
- Phone Script by John Martinez
- Lead sheet
- County Website
- Zillow
- How to Win Friends and Influence People Book by Dale Carnegie
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