FLTA S2 E2 | Dispositions


Dispositions is as important, if not more important than acquisitions in real estate. This will sound like a hot take to many people, but hear us out. In this episode, we are joined by David Olds, a real estate investor from Chattanooga who got really good at dispositions. David argues that people are not putting enough time and energy into dispositions. He demonstrates how aggressive he and his team are with dispositions, especially with marketing properties to prospective buyers. He also gives us a sneak peek of his aggressive marketing strategy that maximizes the profitability of every deal. Tune in and pick up cues from David’s process that will help you up your dispo game for maximum profits!

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Up Your Dispo Game For Maximum Profits With David Olds

Dispositions Is More Important Than Ever In Today’s Market!

I’m here with David Olds and we’re going to talk about some cool stuff he’s got going on. I believe that we’re going to get into the dispo. Before I introduce him, I want to talk a little bit about what we got going on. We’re doing some cool stuff with our Inner Circle Elite community. I want to make sure that if you are somebody who wants to be part of a mastermind community or you’re looking to be around your people and to have people that understand you, and be able to share your wins and your losses, go to BeInThisRoom.com to apply because that’s the room you want to be in.

We’re looking for the right people. We’re going to interview you to make sure you’re a fit. You’re going to check out us. We’re working on something cool for our Chicago event in July 2022. I’m going to do a little preview on that where I’m going to get people an opportunity to possibly come out and check us out. Go to BeInThisRoom.com, apply and have a conversation with us and we’ll go from there. Dave, how are you doing?

I’m doing great. I’m happy to be here.

Tell me a little about yourself and how you got started in real estate investing.

My story is probably not all that exciting or different from a lot of other people’s. I grew up in Boston, but I moved to Central Florida back in the early ‘90s. I was working for ProBuild 84 Lumber or companies like that on the building supply side. I was the guy who supplied builders, contractors, rehabbers remodelers, and that type of stuff. I met my wife and got married in 2003. We decided we’re going to buy a house because that’s what you do when you get married. It seemed like a good idea.

I remember going to the closing with our realtor. As we came out and I said, “I bought the house from Wells Fargo. I don’t understand.” She’s like, “That means it’s a foreclosure.” I’m like, “I didn’t understand what that meant.” We bought this house in Apopka. I paid $100,000 for it because I worked in the building materials world, and I specifically worked indoors and millwork. You put up crown molding. We changed outdoors. We fancied it up a little, but nothing great. This is 2003 so the market is pretty good. We sold it two years later. Going back to the title company, on the way in, the realtor is like, “You don’t have to pay taxes on any of this game.“

I’m like, “What do you mean?” She like, “You live there for two years with tax-free money.” That’s the greatest thing I’ve ever heard in my life. I’m like, “We should do that again.” The reason we were selling the house was to move a little bit closer to work. I was working in Sanford, Florida. I was looking at this house in the Bay Area. It was everything you want as an investor without having a clue. It is this beautiful old neighborhood, all these brick houses, and oak trees, and it was the ugliest house in the neighborhood. I was stretching a little. I bought it for $178,000, which at the time was a lot.

I message my wife, “I looked at this house. We can fix it up and do something with it.” She’s like, “That’s great. Buy it.” Sometimes you’re looking for somebody and be like, “Slow down.” My wife is like, “Do whatever. It’s going to be fine.” We bought this house, picked it up, and did a little bigger rehab this time. We sold it a couple of years later for $302,000. This is another huge game.

I’m like, “This is pretty good. We need to figure this out.” I remember I was at the airport MCO in Orlando, waiting for people to come in. I was at the bookstore. The most cliché thing ever, I randomly picked up Rich Dad Poor Dad. That was the start. I started reading that. What is he telling you, in the end, is, “Go find a rehab. Go get involved.” That’s a short version of how we got started.

FLTA S2 E2 | Dispositions

Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!

At what point did you transition from doing your own homes to making a business out of it? What was the catalyst for that and what did that start to look like?

At the end of the book, he says, “Go find a REIA.” I get on my big clunky computer that will be like a boat anchor these days. I search like WebCrawler or something from way back then I found this real estate group, Central Florida Real Estate Investors. I’m like, “This seems like what he told me to find.” I drive all the way down to Bumby Avenue in Downtown Orlando. It’s like 45 minutes from Newberry. I pull in and it’s an old theater in Orlando. They rent it out once a month for this REIA. I was barely entering this world. I didn’t know at the time because I had no idea that it was the third-biggest REIA in the country at the time.

I pulled into the parking lot. You have been to these places where there are 500 cars out there, the big mega REIA you know. Every car had a sticker decal. We buy houses, hard money, inspections, 401(k), and all this stuff. I’m looking for a place to park. I’m driving through. I drive right out the other side and go home because I was afraid to go in. I used to frame like, “I don’t belong here. These are real people. These are investors. I read one book. I shouldn’t be here.” I do remember that was July. I didn’t do anything in August. I remember in September, I went back, and it happened to be my birthday. That’s the only reason I remember in early September. Now I’m pissed.

I’ll beat myself up for 60 days because I post out and didn’t go in. I’d white-knuckle the whole way down there. I’m telling myself, “Go in. We’re going to do this.” It’s like trying to psych myself up. I go to this REIA. I pay my $10 or $20 for guest entry. You go in, and there’s like a lobby. We’ve all been there now. All the booths are set up on the tables with tight skirts and all the stuff. I don’t know what to do. I grabbed a little bag and start collecting pens, plastic cups, and all that stuff. I go in and sit down.

The one thing that I had that was cool is I started every meeting out with what’s called the deal of the month. We get 2, 3, or 4 investors who would say, “I’ll stand up and talk about a deal I had.” Everybody claps and somebody gets a $100 Home Depot card. It’s very simple. The first guy gets up there. I don’t remember this guy’s name. I wish I could so I’ll call him Bob. Bob get stands up there. He’s like the quintessential 85-year-old Florida guy with skinny wrinkles overall.

He starts talking like, “My name is Bob.” Everybody on commands like, “Hey, Bob.” I’m like, “Where am I? What kind of weird thing is this?” Bob’s talking about, “I was traveling to North Carolina to see some kinfolk, and I stopped in Georgia, and there’s his house for sale on the side of the road. I went and looked at it. He wanted $60,00 for it and I offered him $42,000. He said no.” The guy is talking in a monotone. I’m like, “Speed it up. Where are we going with this?”

He says, “I gave him my card, and I left. When I was driving home a couple of weeks later, he called me and said he’d sell me the house for $42,000. I turned around and went back. I put it under contract and bought it. I found a contract to fix it up. I sold it for $130,000.” I’m sitting there in my chair, looking at this guy, and like, “You got to be shit. This guy talks like he’s got marbles in his mouth. It’s like he’s older than Tyrannosaurus Rex.” He’s showing the numbers. You got to show the numbers, the HUD, and everything.

This was in like those old days. You put the piece of plastic down. It projected it up on the screen. I’m like, “Dang.” Everybody claps. Bob gets up then this girl comes up on stage, a stunningly beautiful young girl in her twenties. She starts talking. She’s a Russian immigrant. She’s been here for a few years. She gets up there and starts talking about how she’s flipping mobile homes all over Orlando for $5,000 a pump.

I don’t even remember what the next two people said because I was sitting there and stunned coming from the corporate world. I’m like, “If these two people can do this, 100% I can do this.” We all have that moment in time that affects us every day for the rest of our lives, “This is it.” Not to say that I’m better than them or anything, but a guy that’s 85, who is the most Southern guy you’ve ever met, and this girl who doesn’t speak English and who is twenty-something can do this business and make it work. They’re laughing at me for what they’re making a year. I’m like, “I’ve got to figure this out.”

What happened is that REIA down is very organized. There’s a meeting every night of something like a landlord or accounting meeting. There’s always something. I got super involved. I join some masterminds like yours, got some coaching, and dialed up the rehab game, we started buying more properties with a little bit of hard money, subject to start doing some creative stuff. They are back in the August mid-2000s. That was how we transitioned into buying more properties.

It is interesting because the thing I’m most known for is wholesaling. I spent a bunch of money. I did a week-long boot camp for this guy to do wholesaling. I tried it and it never worked for me. It probably didn’t work because I had a great job making $60,000 or $70,000 back then. I didn’t have to do it. Rehabbing is a different thing. You buy it, you work on it, or have somebody do the work for you. Wholesaling didn’t work, but we were in the buy, fix and flip game.

I started as a rehabber as well. I didn’t get into wholesaling until much later in my career. I want to shift to dispo. There are people that are going to scream when they read this. A dispo is as important, if not more important than acquisitions.

I’m happy to have that conversation with somebody. The biggest lie of all the real estate guru-selling crap world is, “If you get a good deal, it’s going to sell.” The reality is that none of us put a deal under a contract that we think is a piece of shit or bad. Nobody puts something under a contract that that thing is terrible. Here’s the reality. If you’re going to run a business with any volume, like three a month, if you’re in any kind of churn, and you’re going to be doing multiple deals back to back, it’s impossible that every one of those is a Grand Slam. It doesn’t happen. Nobody that’s done more than three deals would say that. That’s the thing people tell you to get you to buy their course and tell you how easy real estate’s going to be.

The biggest lie in all of the real estate guru selling crap world is that if you get a good deal, it's going to sell. Even if you have the greatest deal ever, you still have to find a buyer. We are in a sales and marketing business. Share on X

If you have a good deal, there’s always a buyer for it. The problem is that you got to find the buyer.

There’s a buyer for every deal.

It’s not a good deal, but you got to find that buyer.

Having a contract on my desk is not selling that deal. It can be the greatest deal ever. I could have bought it for $1 It’s worth $100,000 and I’m being at the extreme. There is still got to be some marketing you’ve got to do. We are in a sales and marketing business. You have to take this contract because we sell contracts and not properties. You got to get this deal out there in front of people. We know you’re going to have to do that anyways. The analogy like every deal is going to be this perfect deal like, “I’m going to call one guy and he’s going to buy it. I’m going to make $40,000,” is ludicrous. Anybody who believes that is foolish and somebody selling you on a load of nonsense.

Here’s what happened. The recession hits. We didn’t lose money, but we didn’t do great. We left Florida. We moved to Tennessee with $5,000. My wife’s job went away because she worked for a custom home builder. I was working for 84 Lumber. Nobody’s buying lumber in the recession. Nobody’s building anything. We came here and we had to find a way to make wholesaling work. We came here to buy duplexes, quads, multifamilies, that type of stuff. The flaw in that plan is guess who was lending money back then? Nobody. We did get great at owner-finance deals, but that’s a different show.

What happened is that back then, it was easy to find properties. You could walk down the street, knock on a couple of doors and come back with three contracts. The problem is that there were no buyers, especially not here in Chattanooga, which was a very unsophisticated market. We got great at dispositions. Back to what we were talking about before, “If you have a great deal, it’s going to sell.”

You will get great deals over the course, but what are you going to do with that deal that you threw out there? Let’s say your first deal is a great deal. You send it out there and somebody buys it. You make $5,000, $10,000, $12,000, $15,000, or $20,000. The next one you contract and you send it out there, you get crickets. What are you going to do?

What you’re going to have is some type of plan, at least a marketing plan, a checklist, or something like, “I’m going to do these things to get this deal sold,” and have some strategy other than, “I’m going to post it in a Facebook group,” or whatever it is I hear people doing all kinds of crazy things. We got great at dispo. To go back further, why is this more important than acquisitions? Dispos is incredibly important because one thing that we teach in our company, students, and whenever we’re talking is, “Start with the end in mind.”

What’s the most important thing and everything we do? It’s cash and the check. It’s not a logoed shirt, red shoelaces, or having a fancy office. That’s what businesses do. Let’s think that backward. It’s Forrest Gump dumb, I get it, but I’ve taught some big teams and coached them on how to do dispo. You wouldn’t believe how many people don’t think this through. If the end goal is to cash a check, great, I get it. Who’s writing that check? It’s the buyer. It is still not hard. There are different types of buyers. There are two main categories. There are rehabbers and landlords. There are builders too, but let’s talk about landlords and rehabbers. Within that, there are a bunch of different subcategories.

What do those buyers want? What price are they buying? Where are they buying? Before we enter a new market, we want to know, “Who’s buying? What ZIP codes are they buying? What’s the average or median price of what they’re purchasing? What’s the frequency?” so that we can take that data and now, we have at least a general ballpark idea of what it is that the market wants. The analogy would be like if I were to go out and get an ice cream truck. I’m a chubby guy. I love chocolate vanilla ice cream. I go out there because I love chocolate vanilla and I want to sell chocolate vanilla.

I might sell some, but if I get out there and people are like, “I love ice cream, but I like pistachio.” I would never have pistachio on my truck because I’m allergic to peanuts, but I’m going to wear gloves and a mask or something. We’re selling pistachio.” The point is that we have to go to market with what it is that people want. You start at the end and you understand what buyers are looking for. This is different from, “Go talk to ten buyers. Get their criteria and then go try to find it.” That’s too much. You don’t need to do that exact thing.

FLTA S2 E2 | Dispositions

Dispositions: So before we enter a new market, we want to know who’s buying and what they’re buying. We have to go to market with what it is that people want.


They’re buying in Charlotte between $250,000 and $320,000. There are 700 transactions within the last six months that were cash. It’s some kind of data like that. Now we’ve got either a city, county, or if you do telecommunications, texting, cold calling, direct mail, and that kind of stuff. You can dial it all the way down to the ZIP code. We can take that information. Go all the way back to the beginning of our company and drop that in the marketing funnel because we’re going to use those criteria to go search for sellers. It’s not complicated. Readers want to know what the high-volume companies are doing. This is what they’re doing.

What goes into the top of the marketing funnel is what you want to come up from the bottom. If I want oranges to come out the bottom of my marketing funnel, 3-bedroom, 3-bath, nice houses that were built after 1970, I don’t scrape the whole list of absentee buyers or I don’t pay-per-click to the whole country because I’m going to get stuff that is going to be difficult to sell. Will I get a sale? I will. There’s a buyer for everything, but in the wholesale business, time is not on our side. We have a contract. It’s ticking in our ears.

“You have 30 or 60 days” or, whatever it is. You don’t have forever to spend searching for a property. if you’re getting a bunch of properties in weird rural areas, will they sell? Yes. I’m not saying you can’t sell them, but how much time and energy do you spend on those when you add the beginning properties in the areas where there are 400 cash sales per month?

Let’s start at the place where it makes the most sense so that we can run that high-speed company where we have repeatable somewhat predictable results. I understand. I’m with you that dispo is far more important than acquisitions. There are three main things in any business, acquisitions, dispo, and transactions but just because you contract something doesn’t mean you’re going to realize a check at the end. You have to be able to sell it.

We agree that one of the mistakes that people make is not valuing disposition, and not putting enough time and energy into it. What are some of the other common mistakes you see people make when it comes to dispo?

Depending upon one thing to sell their deal. I was at this REIA in Orlando many years ago. I’m in this marketing class. Liz Basciano was the name, broker and marketing genius. We’re in the middle of this three-hour marketing class one night. He takes us out in the parking lot. He’s like, “Come around.” We’re all standing out there. There are twenty of us. He pulls out this brown paper bag, reaches in and he’s got one of those little, at the time, $0.5 or $0.10 rubber balls we all had as kids, bouncing there outside or on a corner.

He’s like, “Let’s say you’ve got a house for sale, and you go to Ace Hardware, True Value, Do It Best, or whatever. You buy one of those little oranges and white signs. It says for sale, and you put your phone number in it. It’s a two-story house. You go upstairs and put or tape it in the window. Is that marketing? Yes. By every definition, we are doing some form of marketing. We’re advertising. This ball represents that.”

He whips it up in the air. It comes down and misses everybody. He’s like, “Did that work? It didn’t cut it. Sure. Let’s take two balls. Let’s also go back to Ace, Do it Best, or whatever it is. Let’s buy one of those yard signs. Let’s put it in a yard. Now people, at least driving by, maybe they’ll see that instead of having to look up and maybe catch the eye of the little sign in the window.”

He throws two balls up in the air, one comes down and catches somebody’s shoulders. He is like, “It worked. You’ll maybe get some calls. Let’s do this now. Let’s think about this. Let’s put an ad in the paper.” Now he got three balls and he throws them up. Every time he throws more balls, it starts to hit more and more people. He’s like, “Maybe we’re putting out signs on the main road to drag people in. It’s newspaper ads. It’s going to the REIA.” Back then it was different than it is now. It’s a different marketing world.

By the end, he’s got this handful of balls he’s thrown up. People were getting popped on the head everywhere. That’s how your marketing has to be explained. The idea in your marketing is to hit as many people as you can because you never know which person is going to be the buyer. I may have sold you ten properties. First off, I’m not narcissistic enough to think that I’m the only source of property.

The idea with marketing is to hit as many people as you can because you never know which person is going to be the buyer. Share on X

You’re not just talking to me. You’re looking at every wholesaler. I’m also not crazy enough to think that I’m the only person who gets a good deal in whatever market I’m in. I may have sold a bunch to you. Maybe a deal wasn’t good, and you don’t like me anymore, somebody else had a better deal, you bought something off MLS or you went to the bank and bought a pack of 30 deals and you’re not buying it now.

I do not ever want to become dependent on 1 to 10 buyers. Another nonsense we hear is,” If you find ten buyers, you’ll be good forever.” What you’re going to become is their employee. You’re going to work for $2,000 assignment fees because they’re going to know that they’re your only outlet. In marketing, you want to be doing as many things as you can.

Years later, we’re here in Chattanooga. We started out very small. My brother was doing acquisitions. I was selling. My wife was doing all the bookkeeping and all that stuff. I’m doing dispo and I’m naturally good at it. I’m unconsciously competent. Things are happening. I don’t maybe know why. I start to hire a team. Here’s where all this comes back around. I’m meeting with the team. There were three girls at the time. I’m like, “What did we do? What have we done? Why is it the selling? What have you done to market?”

“I did an email. I texted some people. I put it on Facebook and Craigslist.” Somebody else says something different. I’m like, “We’re supposed to be doing 10 things and we’re doing 6. We’re not even doing the same six all the time. We’re all over the map. We’re just helter-skelter doing all of these different things.” We started to realize, “I got to take all this nonsense. It’s out of my brain and let’s start to get it on paper so that we can train somebody to come in off the street and repeat the things that are in my head very quickly as fast as possible.”

When you start hiring people, it’s an expense in your business. You’re putting money out that they need to perform as quickly as possible. That’s over the years. We’ve crafted that training process and dialed it down and we took out the things that were extraneous and didn’t matter. Now we have checklists like, “These are the things that we do on every single deal.” Craigslist may work and still works. We sell at least one deal a month off of Craigslist. Facebook may work. We know parts of things on Facebook that don’t work well, which are Marketplace and yard sale groups. Maybe our email list, text blasts, or RVM is going to work. Maybe calling our realtors is going and the bandit signs are going to work.

They all work. I just never know which one it is. What I don’t want to do is maybe post to Facebook, and then go, “I’ve done marketing.” Days go by and I’m like, “Nobody is calling me.” I put it on Craigslist. That’s how I sold that other one. A couple more days go by, “I didn’t email it,” which I forgot to email my own deals, “Let me email this out.” You go through this progression. What happened is your time’s up. You’ve taken too long.

Whatever it is, the right buyer didn’t happen to be where you were in a spot where your marketing was happening. I tell people, “If PornHub is where I need to be advertising, I’m advertising there. I don’t care. It is my job as the owner to get my deal in front of the right person. Wherever they decide that they’re hanging out, that’s where I’m advertising. That’s my job.” The reason why when we launch a property, we do all of the things. It all happens at one time because I never know which one’s going to hit.

It’s your job as the owner to get your deal in front of the right person. Wherever they decide to hang out, that's where you should be advertising. Share on X

Me and our company, we are a high-volume wholesale company. The analogy is like we’re standing on the beach on the dispo side of our company, and a wave is hitting us three properties. They’re still in the acquisitions mode with 2 and 4 properties in the following weeks. Every week, more properties are coming. I don’t have four weeks to screw around with the property and go, “I’m crossing my fingers. I hope this sells.” We are very aggressive in our dispo or as aggressive on dispo as people are on acquisitions. We play all of our aces. I never know which one’s going to hit, but that’s why we’re selling deals we sold to.

The important part is maximizing profitability and putting all your eggs in one basket. You’re going to end up with a job and going to be underpaid. The other reality is that there are periods of being full and periods of being hungry in this business. You need properties. You’re willing to pay a little extra. You need to put your people to work, it’s been a minute since you’ve acquired something, or whatever is the reason why you’re hungry, but then you get to the point where maybe you got more properties on your plate than you can handle at the moment. A great deal comes along, but you don’t need it so you’re like, “You give it. I don’t need an offer.”

That affects the ebb-and-flow of you as a wholesaler if that’s the way your buyer is going to be. Having a lot more buyers and knowing what their appetite cycle is, is important. It’s a great share. I have two questions. Number 1) Share a tip or trick you feel like we’ll make this more successful, then maybe one that makes them more profitable, and they may be one of the same.

The more buyers you can have on your list, the better off you are because, in all of our marketing, we are throwing out a big net. We’re pulling in a lot of different deals. Even though we’re only searching for Huntsville, 3-bedroom, 2-bath, and 1960 and newer, you get other things. There are other things that come in, and we can contract them because the numbers are good. If you have a small limited buyers list, and the only people that are on your list, let’s say, are just 3-bedroom, 2-baths, what are you going to do when you get that one bedroom on each side duplex?

Those sell well. People lied to me when I was coming up and said, “People only want 3-bedroom, 2-bath with garage. Nobody wants a one-bedroom duplex. They’re awesome because the tenants never leave and the landlords love them. If you don’t have a big list, the likelihood that you can sell that property is going is to greatly diminish. We’re using extreme examples here. Your guy who only wants three bedrooms. He may buy this from you, but it’s going to be at a super low assignment fee because it’s not what he needs.

Here’s the thing I would tell everybody. Build the biggest buyers list you can. For every single person that you talk to, you should be getting their phone number and email, and putting them into your database. Let’s say I’m making an outbound call, “I got this deal.” You are like, “I need red houses on the Blue Hill on the North side of town.” I’m like, “No problem. I apologize that this one doesn’t fit your criteria, but let me get your information because we’ve got a full pipeline. I’ve got a lot of deals coming in. I feel like there’s something coming that’s going to be good for you. Let me get your info. Let me get you in my database.”

You spent all that time and money to either call Don or have Don call me. Let me capture him and get him in the database so that when that type of deal does come through, I don’t want to go through all that work again. Now it’s going to pop up for a text message for you or in your email and it’s easy for me to call you because I’ve designated that, “You want the red house on the Blue Hill,” or whatever it is.

The first thing is to build the biggest buyers list that you can. That’s how you get into these situations where if you think having 10 buyers was good, and 1 of them was excited, get 5 guys who are excited about a property. That’s when you see your assignment fees go $20,000, $25,000, or $30,000. They start to jump up.

The more buyers you can have on your list, the better off you are. Build the biggest buyer’s list that you can. Share on X

I had a guy here in Chattanooga. We had a property. He bid it up to $17,000. It was a $44,000 assignment fee. I emailed it out on a Tuesday night, and Wednesday at noon, I went over there. This guy came in. He was the first guy there. He got nervous because a bunch of other people showed up. He kept bidding it up. It was the craziest thing because I’d never met this guy before. I’ve been in Chattanooga since June 2009. Build that list as big as you can. People are watching your deals. When a deal comes along that fits their criteria and they are ready to buy, that’s the value of that.

If somebody is just starting out, what advice would you give them?

Here’s the thing about being a wholesaler, an investor, a rehabber, or whatever it is, especially if you’ve come out of Corporate America or any job situation. Find some people to be around. Get into a mastermind like Don’s. Get your tribe. Get your people that you can run and do this business with because being an entrepreneur isn’t great. The upsides are great. We all know the upsides, Lambos, jets, and whatever, but there are days when it’s tough and lonely, and 2 or 3 things go bad and you’re like, “This the worst decision I’ve ever made. I have a wife and 2 kids, 2 boys, and 3 fat dogs I’ve got to provide for.”

FLTA S2 E2 | Dispositions

Dispositions: Find a tribe. Find the people that you can do this business with.


It’s amazing to have a group around you. I’m not even saying around you physically, but you know nationwide, that are in masterminds, groups, or that you’ve met online that you can lean on. We all have those days. I promise you, readers, the biggest people that are on Instagram like Grant Cardone has a bad day. Everybody has a bad day. You do need somebody that can go, “That sucks, but the problem is not as bad as you think. Here’s what I would do.” We all get in our heads.

I had that one morning. I don’t know what it was. Stuff’s happening. I had a quick conversation with somebody and it snaps you right out of you like, “I’m being stupid. What am I doing? This is the dumbest thing ever.” Find a tribe to run with that you can be around the campfire with. You help them. They help you. In one of these books by one of the Navy SEALs, they were, they talk about this story where Navy SEALs do the thing where they keep you up for like six days straight. This guy was in this group of 5 or 6 people.

One guy said, “We are all going to have bad days and start hallucinating. This is going to be crazy. The stress on us is going to be unbelievable. Some of us are going to be up and down. If you’re down, you need to say, ‘I’m struggling,’ because the guy who’s up, it’s his job to bring you back up because in 30 minutes, you’re going to be the guy who’s up and he’s who’s down.” That camaraderie and the ability to have those people in your life to help get you through this is valuable.

Dave has an amazing course on dispo. If you’re interested in that, just go to FlipTalk.com/Dispo and you’ll be able to find Dave’s course. Check it out. Dispo is an extremely crucial component of your business. A lot of people fail to give it the attention it deserves to have the right systems and processes in place to market your properties with maximum profitability, but also to remove the brain damage of trying to figure those things out or having things fall through the cracks and having that stress is very important. I would encourage you to go grab Dave’s course.

With that said, I appreciate having you. We talked about Inner Circle Elite. BeInThisRoom.com is the place that we want you to go and check out what we have going on. We do some amazing things too with coaching and mentoring. We have a lot of events coming up. If you go to FlipTalk.com, you can check out on the top right-hand corner of the webpage.

On your iPhone, use a little dropdown, the hamburger thing and you can find ways to check out what we have going on or apply some of the things that we have going on. With that said, if you’re getting value from this show, make sure you’re liking, sharing, and subscribing. We’re all over the place. Make sure that you are letting people know that we’re there. We want to provide as much value as we can. Dave, I appreciate you.

I’m happy to have been here.

Thank you everybody for reading. This has been another episode and I’ll talk to you soon.


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About David Olds

FLTA S2 E2 | DispositionsDavid Olds is a full-time real estate investor based out of Chattanooga, TN. He started investing back in 2002 when he and his wife bought their first home which was unknowingly a foreclosure. After flipping that property for 50k they discovered the world of real estate investing and went on to do numerous flips.

Along the way he accumulated over 100 rental properties and continued to flip, mastering not only wholesaling but property management as well as raising private money.