






Week 5- Marketing by Knocking on Doors

Week 5- Marketing by Knocking on Doors

Five weeks in and not only do you have a grasp of the basics and some advanced strategies, but you’ve also expanded your network and learned many ways you can market yourself and generate leads. You know some cool tricks, especially ones that involve software, but...

Week 5- Marketing by Knocking on Doors

Week 4- It’s All About the Marketing

  We are already in the fourth week, and this time it’s all about lead generation and marketing. Getting educated is important in any industry, but it’s all for nothing if you can’t actually buy a property. Where do you start? What kind of marketing tactics should a...

Week 5- Marketing by Knocking on Doors

Week 14- Working With Contractors

Today, Don and Ryan discuss how working with the right contractors can impact the success of your real estate business. They explain how your local market can impact the cost of property repairs and how to use inspection periods to properly vet contractors and make better buying decisions.

Are you just getting started and READY to LOCK IN your path to 6 or even 7-FIGURES In Your REI Business This Year?

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