Your marketing efforts have finally come to fruition, and you now have a chance to apply all the lessons you learned in the last several weeks. Your first deal is right around the corner, but you’re also nervous because you might screw up an otherwise blockbuster deal. Let us help you land your first deal.

Today, Don and Ryan discuss how to respond to leads and calls for meetings. They share their own experience with some of their favorite leads, their step-by-step formula for analyzing the numbers, and what type of deals you should focus on as a beginner. They also explain some of their methods when it comes to turning a profit and why you shouldn’t get inspiration from HGTV when it comes to rehab.

“Only rehab to the level of the neighborhood you’re working in.” – Ryan Scialabba

This Week on FlipTalk’s Rookie Play Book:

  • The first intuition as you get leads.
  • How to filter your leads.
  • The 3-step desktop analysis.
  • The deals you should go for when you’re starting out.
  • The three numbers you need when analyzing a deal.
  • The best way to learn when you’re starting out.
  • How to handle your appointments properly.

Key Takeaways:

  • Just focus on the seller, then go home and focus on the numbers.
  • You don’t have to be perfect on your initial offer.

Resources Mentioned:

Connect with Don: don@fliptalk.com

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